Critical Aspects of Clinical Immunology Described by Dr. Kanury Rao


Are you struggling a lot with allergic reactions? If yes, then you will need to opt for clinical immunology to treat the issues. What is immunology? This is the medical aspect that mainly focuses on the assessment, diagnosis, healing, and proper management of the immune system and related disorders along with allergies. The medical treatment approach includes the in-depth analysis of the immune system to check how it reacts against various allergens such as animal dander, dust mites, pollen, etc. As per Kanury Rao, when such allergies occur, a person will experience symptoms such as watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, itching, skin rashes, and so on. This is where you will need to think about clinical immunology. This is the best way to get rid of disorders associated with the immune system.

Who offers clinical immunology?

The professional who offers the clinical immunology is called a clinical immunologist or allergist. He or she holds expertise in treating and managing immune system disorders and various allergies.

These are the specialists who have extensive experience and training along with special education followed by some additional prerequisites. These professionals are the best when it comes to locating the root cause of an allergy or allergic reaction. They work by assessing the condition to develop customized treatment plans to manage the condition as well as symptoms.

When you should connect with a clinical immunology professional?

A person must consider consultation with a clinical immunology professional or an allergist if they come across one of the following (these are described by Dr. Kanury Rao – a leading immunologist and researcher):

  • Recurrent or persistent sinus infections
  • Frequent infections and colds
  • Skin rashes or hives
  • Wheezing or persistent cough
  • Shortness of breath or breathing issues
  • Intolerance of certain food items
  • Food allergies
  • Swelling of tongue, throat, face, etc.
  • Frequent headaches

According to Kanury Rao, whether you are getting severe allergies or frequently, you should not delay your consultation. Apart from this, if you have a track record of being diagnosed with an allergic reaction, then it becomes mandatory to connect with an allergist as soon as you identify the allergy. Furthermore, anyone with chronic respiratory issues or asthma must schedule a visit if they are sick.

What are the conditions that clinical immunologists treat?

Allergy specialists or clinical immunologists are capable of diagnosing and treating different health conditions associated with allergies. This can include:

  • Insect sting allergies
  • Hay fever or allergic rhinitis
  • Asthma
  • Drug allergies
  • Food allergies
  • Sinusitis
  • Eczema or atopic dermatitis
  • Anaphylaxis

In addition to this, these clinical experts conduct an array of tests to treat different disorders. The tests that they usually conduct include blood tests, skin tests, pulmonary function tests, and patch tests. Depending on the condition, they may also suggest further tests and diagnosis.

What procedures do clinical immunologists follow to diagnose allergies?

These specialists make the best use of different procedures to treat an allergy. Along with different diagnostic tests, they can do the following to develop treatment plans:

  • Skin prick test: To perform this test, the specialist places a smaller amount of the possible allergen on the skin to see the reaction.
  • Blood test: In this test, the response of the immune system is measured against specific types of allergens.
  • Patch test: This is just like the prick test. However, they do not place anything on the skin directly. Instead, they check the reactions against certain substances such as metals, fragrances, and so on.
  • Pulmonary function test: Clinical immunologist measures the lung functions when a patient has asthma or similar conditions.
  • Allergy shots: Also called immunotherapy, it includes injections wherein a small amount of an allergen extract is inserted so that immunity can be built.
  • Challenge test: When this test is conducted, the patients are placed in a safe and controlled environment. After this, they are exposed to the suspected allergens to see the reactions. However, this should only be done by a trained and certified immunologist such as Kanury Rao.

Final takeaways

Apart from this, a clinical immunologist can suggest certain medications such as leukotriene modifiers, decongestants, etc. to manage the symptoms of allergic reactions. Lastly, avoiding the possible allergens will help you stay safe and healthy. Lastly, do not forget to check out the special research and everything by Dr. Kanury Rao to learn more about immunology and its various aspects.

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